
Jun 10, 2024 :book: Our paper “Verbalized Probabilistic Graphical Modeling with Large Language Models” is live on arXiv! [paper]
Mar 21, 2024 :star2: I am invited to CIFAR DLRL 2024, see you in July at Vector Institute!
Jan 12, 2024 :star2: I officially join Mila - Quebec AI Institute, a world recognized artificial intelligence and machine learning research institute leaded by Prof. Yoshua Bengio.
Oct 24, 2023 :book: Our paper “Improving Robustness and Reliability in Medical Image Classification with Latent-Guided Diffusion and Nested-Ensembles” is live on arXiv! [paper]
Aug 17, 2023 :newspaper: We are presenting our poster “Improving the Robustness and Accuracy of Medical Image Disease Classification with Diffusion Models” in SSMU, Room 301. [poster]
Jun 14, 2023 :trophy: I am honored to have been selected as a recipient of the Rubin Gruber Award within the Faculty of Engineering at McGill University.
May 31, 2023 :mortar_board: B.Eng. in Computer Engineering graduation with Distinction from McGill University.
May 14, 2023 :trophy: I am honored to have been selected as a Paul Cmikiewicz Award recipient within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McGill University.
May 12, 2023 :microphone: I give a talk on Langevin Dynamics in score-based generative models at PVG. [slides] [video]
Feb 24, 2023 :trophy: I am honored to have been selected as a NSERC Scholarship recipient within Faculty of Engineering at McGill University.
Aug 26, 2022 :trophy: I am honored to have been selected as a recipient of the Cooperstock Graduate Award at McGill University.